Quiz Master

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Smartphone Quiz Master

As well as being a wedding and function DJ I am a very experienced Quiz Master, presenting as I do the new type of Quiz, Speedquizzing. It’s played using smartphones and is known to a growing number of people and venues as SpeedQuizzing. I publicise my quizzes though my particular brand of quiz Hot Spot Quiz. I own the website www.HotSpotQuiz.com through which you can also find out more about which venues I work at and when.

I present my quiz in my role of Quiz Master at pubs, clubs, offices, and hotels to people from all walks of life and for all age groups, from teenagers upwards. If you are interest in finding out more Hot Spot “Smartphone” Quiz Nights, or booking me for one, as a one off or on a regular basis, please click through to the Hot Spot Quiz website.


To find out more about how my Quiz Nights got started read below…

Using smartphones like Android or iPhones and even iPads and Tablets is brand new way of doing quiz nights. As one of the early adopters of this brilliantly simple technology in the North West of England I became the centre of attention for a lot of fellow quizzers, pubs and even the heads of brewery chains like J.W. Lees and the Village Hotel group. I began training up teams of presenter and before too long there was a small chain of smartphone quiz presenters.

The Quiz It’self…

As I’ve mentioned the quiz is played on smartphones. The two types it works on use either Apple technology (iPhones / iPads) or the Android system (Smasung / HTC / Sony etc). Now you’d automatically think right away that that’s would be encouraging everyone to Google the answers even more, but not so. It’s played on a dedicated Wi-Fi network which is off line from the internet it’self and therefore prevents anyone from try to Google anything. Simple and clever. Using the initial problem to solve the problem of cheating.

How Hot Spot Quiz was born…

For over 30 years I have been producing and presents quiz night in all sorts of formats. I have always wrote and compiled my own quizzes and occasionally made use of specific quiz material from a very reliable source Quiz Supplies, who to anyone wishing to hold a quiz, I would recommend. I know the owner, he’s a very nice chap.

In 2012 I set up my own little quiz night website (www.TheQuizParty.co.uk). This was when I was presenting quizzes in the old fashioned way, on paper and using pens. I did this mainly because I could see the dropping off of many teams at mine and other presenters quiz nights as more and more people increasingly began cheating using mobile phones to Google the answers.

Things were looking bleak for this quiz master and then one November night I was shown some amazing quizzing software. So come the new year with attendance figures plummeting I gave it a try. Within a month I went from four teams doing the quiz to ten and then to fourteen and more. It just grew and grew.

I started to promote my new quiz concept on my website and as I did, the agent I work though asked if I could add a few of the presenters that I had trained up to be a smartphone Quiz Master like myself. As I trained each one up, we placed them into venues that had got to hear about this new, radical and exciting form of pub quiz.

Like the attendance figures at my quiz nights, the website that I had set up began to grown and grow, with more and more presenters taking on the role of smartphone Quiz Master. My agent could clearly see the obvious attraction and popularity of my website and offered to buy it off me. I had spent a lot of time building it up on Facebook and Twitter but it had reached it’s limit for me. Looking after this quickly growing website that in itself was quickly turning into a job in it’s own right, I took the big decision to sell it to my agent.

However I didn’t rest on my laurels and set up another site right away, but on a far smaller scale, just for me and my own weekly quiz nights called Hot Spot Quiz. Although no where near as big as The Quiz Party, it’s still a popular site highlighting my part as Quiz Master and is doing really well.

For more details on my regular quiz nights and special quiz events, public or private go to – www.HotSpotQuiz.com.